Las Aventuras de Enrique y Ana

Happy New Year and all that jazz. I bring to you another record from my trip to Mexico. There is something about children's records that make them hard for me to pass up. Maybe it's the memories that they bring back of my sister and me fooling around with our Fisher Price "My First Record Player" and my mom's old 45's. Maybe it's the little bit of hope that I'll find some amazing break ripe to be looped. I think there's something "raw" to be found in children's records. Kid's seem to like weird things. And, adults who make weird things for kids are often pretty weird themselves. So, I suppose it's the weirdness that attracts me.
While traveling through Mexico I was carrying a bag full of records I was unable to listen to until I returned home. Alone in my hotel room I'd carefully examine the covers, planning which record I'd play first when I got home. The record I was most excited about was actually another children's record.

Please ignore the racism of Super Disco Chino. Yes, Ana is pulling Enrique's eyes back so that he looks like a "Chino." And, I guess, Chinese people sound like chipmunks, but it is these absurdities that draw me to the song. This along with the wacked out Devo-esque music and plate spinning. I suppose it makes some sort of sense. Disco Chino can mean Chinese Records or Chinese Discs as in plates.
Caca Culo Pedo Pis brings us a song by Los Punkitos. I believe the correct translation of this would be Poop, Butt, Fart, Pee. More New Wave than punk, check out how sexy that lead singer gets when she takes off her jacket. What is she? Five years old. The dudes in the audience are definitely digging it. Unfortunately my record has a censored version of the song called Caca Cucu Pepe Pipi, but that Blondie New Wave filtered through another culture sound is still there.
And finally, we'll end it with some calisthenics from Baile Olimpico. I know the song is a rip off of another children's song but I can't place it. The lyrics are just naming off a bunch of Olympic Games while the kids act them out. It's quite fun. You should try it yourself.
Apparently, Enrique y Ana had their own television show in Spain. Youtube user arqmauh has all sorts of clips from the show including the entire movie that my soundtrack came from. Enjoy.
Super Disco Chino by Enrique y Ana from Las Aventuras de Enrique y Ana
Caca Cucu Pepe Pipi by Enrique y Ana from Las Aventuras de Enrique y Ana
Baile Olimpico by Enrique y Ana from Las Aventuras de Enrique y Ana
Labels: children's records, Enrique y Ana, new wave
Cheers from Spain.
"Baile olĂmpico" is a rip off of the song "Popcorn". Enrique y Ana didn't have any TV show but they were enormously popular here in the seventies and made a few films.
The Disco Chino toy was soooo much fun, believe it or not :) And if you think the pulling of the eyes is politically incorrect for these days, you should hear the pronunciation of the r's in the song (like l's -that is how most Asian people would pronounce when speaking in Spanish) AND you should hear the lyrics of another song of them: "En el bosque de la China". I just find it funny. Hispanics don't have the hang up about races and stuff like U.S.Americans do; it's just fun, good natured fun. And funny you say, about the voices, well those are their actual voices, Enrique y Ana, and with those voices they had all of us kids singing and dancing along... I play an old tape of mine to my children once in a while and they love it!
I found this record in a junk shop in blacksburg virginia about 6 or 7 years ago. At the time I became completely obsessed with trying to find out everything I could about this movie but there wasn't much information out there. I played quite a few of these songs as a dj at wxyc in chapel hill and they were great hits. Now that youtube makes it easy to view these clips, Enrique y Ana are so much better. I still want to see the whole movie so if anyone has any tips on where to view it in entirety or to obtain a copy I would love to know. So glad others have discovered this joy.
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